Ku soo biir kooxdayada shaqaalaha u heellan ee ka wada shaqeeya hagaajinta caafimaadka bulshadayada!

Alternative application methods contact:
Jeff Goody | Talent Acquisition Manager | Salud Family Health | jgoody@saludclinic.org  | 720-322-9424​​​
Our Mission is to provide a quality, integrated health care home to the communities we serve.
Salud's Core Values are the guiding principles that inform how we serve our patients and communities, how we partner with other entities, and how we interact as colleagues.Â
Salud Family Health is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We prohibit unlawful discrimination against applicants or employees on the basis of age 40 and over, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other applicable status protected by federal, state, or local laws.
Salud invests in our employees and offers a rich benefits package, including holidays, vacation time, sick leave, health insurance benefits, retirement savings plan and more. Click here to view our Benefits Overview.
Salud waxa ay ilaalisaa aqoonsiga Ururka Daryeelka Caafimaadka Ambalatoriga (AAAHC), tusaha sida ay nooga go'an tahay badbaadada iyo u hogaansanaanta dhammaan barnaamijyada iyo adeegyada. Salud sidoo kale waxa loo aqoonsan yahay Guri Caafimaad oo Bukaan-jiif ah (PCMH) oo hoos yimaada AAAHC.
Khayraadka Caafimaadka iyo Maamulka Adeegyada (HRSA) waxay aqoonsadeen Salud oo ah Hogaamiye Sare ee Caafimaadka Qaranka.
Bixiyeyaasha Salud waa kuwo ujecel oo ku saabsan bixinta daryeelka caafimaad tayo leh dhammaan xubnaha bulshada.
Providers practice at the full scope of their licensure and training and work as part of an interdisciplinary team to best address patient needs. Click here to view our Provider Packet.
Salud operates 13 clinics and an Administrative office located throughout northeast and southeast Colorado.
We also operate a mobile unit designed to provide healthcare to migrant and seasonal farmworkers and refugee populations.Â