dusha bogga
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Thank you for choosing Salud for your health care needs. Our Enrollment Specialists can help you enroll in health coverage and answer any of your questions. We offer enrollment for a variety of programs, including Medicaid, Medicare, CHP+, and most private insurance plans.


To schedule your enrollment visit, please call (303) 697-2583.


To learn more about benefits you may qualify for, including health coverage, cash assistance, food and nutrition, utilities assistance programs, and more, please visit:


If you are here to enroll your child in a SaludSchools program (the School-Based Dental Program or Fort Morgan High School's health center), please click HERE

​Please remember that payment is due at time of service

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This is a state-based online Marketplace that allows lawfully present Coloradans to shop for and compare private health insurance plans. You can apply for financial assistance to offset costs for monthly premiums, copays and deductibles for those who qualify. Monthly premiums vary by plan and by eligibility for financial assistance.


This is public health insurance for Coloradans who meet the income guidelines for Medicaid/ Health First Colorado but do not meet the lawful presence requirements. This program only covers life or limb threatening emergencies, medically necessary dialysis for those with kidney disease and the delivery of baby for pregnant women. 


Salud waxa uu leeyahay miisaan-qiimo ku salaysan tirada qoyska iyo dakhliga. Bukaanka 100% ka hooseeya ama ka hooseeya 100% ee Tusaha Saboolnimada Federaalka (FPG) waxay bixin doonaan "lacag magac ah" oo ku salaysan kooxaynta adeegga. Bukaannada u dhexeeya 101%-200% ee FPG, Salud waxay sii wadi doontaa inay bixiso qiimo dhimis-qiimo-dhimis ah oo aad uga hooseeya qiimahayaga dhabta ah si aan u bixinno adeegyadaas. Qofna looma diidi doono helitaanka adeegyada sababtoo ah awood la'aanta bixinta adeegyada.


Tani waa koox ka mid ah barnaamijyada Coloradans ay codsan karaan haddii ay qabaan Medicare. Barnaamijkani wuxuu ka caawiyaa dadka dakhligoodu yar yahay iyo khayraadka xadidan qaar ka mid ah ama dhammaan lacagta caymiska ee Medicare waxayna sidoo kale bixin karaan lacagaha Medicare-ka iyo caymiska.


IMPORTANT: If you or your family members are enrolled in Medicaid or CHP+, please visit CO.gov/PEAK to check your Medicaid renewal date and to make sure your mailing address is correct. 

Medicaid is a public health insurance for Coloradans who qualify. You are eligible if you are a US citizen or have had a green card for 5 years or more, a pregnant woman, or a child who is lawfully present and your monthly household income is at or below: 

  •     Family size of 1: $1,436 (adult) $2,706  (children/pregnant women)

  •     Family size of 4: $2,961 (adult) $5,579   (children/pregnant women

Lacagta bil kasta, $ 0 ujirta carruurta / haweenka uurka leh, $ 2 lacag ah ee booqashooyinka xafiisyada dadka waaweyn.

Buuxi codsiga internetka halkan:



This program allows Coloradans to purchase private health insurance regardless of documentation statusCustomers can shop for plans and submit applications during the open enrollment period: November 1st - January 15th. When applying for health coverage, information about immigration status will be used only to determine someone's eligibility for coverage and cannot be used for immigration enforcement. In order to apply, we recommend visiting the OmniSalud sites to find application assistance asap in ENGLISH and SPANISH. Full priced plans will be available throughout open enrollment and are not limited. A tele-enrollment visit with a Salud Enrollment Specialist can also be scheduled for application assistance, but the wait time is typically three weeks.


This is a Medicaid public health insurance buy-in program for working Coloradans or children with qualifying health conditions who are over income for regular Medicaid/Health First Colorado. The monthly premium is based on income and the copays and benefits are the same as regular Medicaid/Health First Colorado.

Enroll by filling out the online application here:  ENGLISH or SPANISH


Tani waa caymiska caafimaadka dadweynaha ee "sharciga ah" "Coloradans" da'da 19 iyo gabdhaha yar yar iyo kuwa uurka leh ee ka sarreeya dakhliga Medicaid / Caafimaadka First Colorado. Ma jirto lacag bille ah, bilaa xayiraad oo loogu talagalay haweenka uurka leh, iyo qarashka carruurta ee u dhaxeeya $ 0- $ 10. Waxaa jira hal mar oo ah lacagta isqorista.

Enroll by filling out the online application here:



This program for Low-Income Seniors to provide access to dental care for low-income seniors who are:

  • 60 years of age or older,

  • Economically Disadvantaged (whose income is at or below 250% of the most recently published federal poverty level for a household of that size), and

  • Not eligible for dental services under Health First Colorado (Colorado's Medicaid Program)or the Old Age Pension Health and Medical Care Program,
    and who do not have private dental insurance.


Gobolka Colorado wuxuu dhaafay SB17-65 Hufnaanta ee Qiimaha Daryeelka Caafimaadka Tooska ah. 


Sharcigani wuxuu u baahan yahay dhammaan bixiyeyaasha daryeelka caafimaadka iyo tas-hiilaadka inay daabacaan liiska qiimaha lacagta caddaanka ah ee 15ka adeeg ee daryeelka caafimaadka ee la bixiyo. Jadwalka hoose, waxaad ku arki kartaa qiimaha 15-ka adeeg ee ugu caansan ee uu bixiyo Salud.

   Description                                                                        CPT code      $ Fee

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Under the “No Surprises Act”, you have the right to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost.

By law, health care providers need to give patients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services. This law states:

  • You have the right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services. This includes related costs like medical tests, prescription drugs, equipment, and hospital fees.

  • If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill.

  • Make sure to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate.

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit www.cms.gov/nosurprises or us at 303-MY-SALUD.

For a copy of Salud’s Good Faith estimates, please click HERE or ask for a copy at the front desk of any Salud clinic.

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