dusha bogga
su'aasha su'aalaha


Sidee baan balan uga sameeyaa Salud?

Call contact center 303-697-2583 (Hours) Monday-Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm  [OR]

Schedule through the PATIENT PORTAL​

Emergency(?) call 911 immediately​

Sideen u joojiyaa ballan?

Call Salud at (303) 697-2583 and a Contact Center Representative will help you cancel and reschedule.  [OR]

You can request a different appointment time through your PATIENT PORTAL.


Please be mindful of Salud's CANCELLATION POLICY.​ Appointments are considered to be missed or late when:

You do not attend your scheduled appointment

You do not call to cancel your appointment by 4:00pm the day prior to your appointment

You are more than 15 minutes late for your scheduled appointment​

Sideen ugu jiraa bukaanka Salud?

Visit the PATIENTS page for instructions.

Sideen u buuxin karaa warqadda daawada?​

Call the pharmacy at (720) 322-9445 (we recommend allowing 5 days to refill your prescription in time for pick up) or visit the PATIENT PORTAL.​


Please note:

The pharmacy will call to confirm pickup and payment of medication.

All medications need to be picked up within 5 days of confirmation. ​

Visit the PHARMACY page to view pharmacy locations and pick-up information.

Sidee baan u bixiyaa adeegyada?

Visit the HEALTH COVERAGE page to learn about our accepted insurances and payment options. 

Salud ma daweeyaa xanuunka joogtada ah iyo qorista daroogooyinka?

Salud waa daryeel bixiye hoose oo buuxa, ma ahan rug caafimaad oo joogto ah. Bixiyeyaashayadu waxay kaa caawin karaan daaweynta aan dawo lahayn ee xanuunkaaga joogtada ah. Haddii aad u baahato daawada loo yaqaan 'opioid narcotics' si loo daaweeyo xanuunkaaga joogtada ah, waanu ku faraxsanaan doonaa inaan kuu gudbino kiliinikada xanuunka ee khaaska ah. 

Yaan la xiriirayaa su'aasha qaansheegashada?

Call (833) 537-2583 if you have questions about your bill.

How do I access my Medical Records?​


Sideen u heli karaa daryeel marka rugta caafimaad la xiro?

Call (303) 697-2583 for the After-Hours Nurse Line

Khadkan ayaa la heli karaa 24ka saacadood maalintii, 7 maalmood toddobaadkii.

Haddii aad heysato xaalad degdeg ah wac 911 isla markiiba.

bogga hoose