dusha bogga

Salud was founded in 1970 to serve the migrant, seasonal farmworker population living and working in and around Fort Lupton, Colorado. Today, Salud operates 13 clinics and a mobile unit in ten communities throughout northern and southeastern Colorado and serves over 68,000 patients annually.
Xuduudaha saludku waxay ku yaalaan '60s' meel u dhow Wabiga South Platte, kaas oo ku soo baxay qaar ka mid ah dhul-beereedka ugu hantida badan Maraykanka
It was a land of small communities and truck farms, and in the summer months it was the home and workplace to thousands of migrant farmworkers and their families. Salud has experienced tremendous growth in the past 50 years and what follows is how it all came to be:
bogga hoose